Calendario de eventos
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Puedes filtrar los eventos a continuación y luego hacer clic en cada evento para obtener más información y saber cómo reservar.
Retiro de Meditación con Avi Hay Abohav
Retiro de Meditación con Avi Hay Abohav
Este retiro es de Terapia del Alma. Se enfoca en la meditacion y contará con la presencia de Dr. Victor Aguiar desde Brasil.
Improvers Iyengar Yoga Retreat with Rachel Lovegrove
Improvers Iyengar Yoga Retreat with Rachel Lovegrove
Iyengar Yoga Retreat for those with a regular practice of Yoga wishing to develop their experience and move towards move advanced poses or themes. Designed for those with at least 12 months of yoga practice.
Purna Yoga Spring Immersion with Letitia Walker & Mariken Fliervoet
Purna Yoga Spring Immersion with Letitia Walker & Mariken Fliervoet
I appreciate your help, but I think everything would be easier and quicker to solve if when someone has a problem, they tell us directly instead of writing to you at america..... I don't understand why they don't do it.....
Retiro de yoga Iyengar con Uday Bhosale
Retiro de yoga Iyengar con Uday Bhosale
Únete a Uday en un retiro de una semana de Inmersión en Yoga Iyengar.
Jooga-& Vaellusretriitti Diana Saxberg kansaa
Jooga-& Vaellusretriitti Diana Saxberg kansaa
Tervetuloa rentoutumaan ja uudistumaan Andalusia keväisen auringon alla.
Retiro de Meditación Vipassana con Enrique Moya
Retiro de Meditación Vipassana con Enrique Moya
En este retiro,Enrique moya, director del Centro Yoga Yantra y Autor de "La llave de la atención", nos acerca a las prácticas y actitudes más importantes de meditación Vipassana
Yoga Retreat with Sarah Perron
Yoga Retreat with Sarah Perron
More info coming soon....
Yoga Holidays with Eva Kiviluoma & Gabriel Maldonado
Yoga Holidays with Eva Kiviluoma & Gabriel Maldonado
Embark on a transformative journey with this Yoga Holiday. Uder Eva and Gabriel´s professional guidance, experience yoga that not only elevates your practice but also your spirit.
Yoga Vacay with Jessica Seabern
Yoga Vacay with Jessica Seabern
Join Jessica´s passion for yoga and travel. Experience the allure of Spain´s enchanting southern coast whilst nurturing your body, mind soul.
Somatics & Yoga Retreat with Halina Rozensztrauch
Somatics & Yoga Retreat with Halina Rozensztrauch
Myofascial unwinding journey
Pilates Retreat with Penny Little
Pilates Retreat with Penny Little
Join Penny on this 6 nights Pilates retreat with Pilates twice a day.
Iyengar Yoga Retreat with Elizabeth Smullens Brass
Iyengar Yoga Retreat with Elizabeth Smullens Brass
6 nights Iyengar Yoga retreat with Elisabeth Smullens Brass. She will teach two daily classes suitable for everyone with prior Iyengar Yoga experience.
Gentle Yoga Retreat with Fiona Agombar
Gentle Yoga Retreat with Fiona Agombar
Save the date for a very special yoga retreat: Soothe, Calm and Restore with Yoga with Fiona Agombar
The Yoga Academy Yoga and Somatics Teacher Training course 2025. Part 2 with Simon Low
The Yoga Academy Yoga and Somatics Teacher Training course 2025. Part 2 with Simon Low
Part 2 of the The Yoga Academy´s new "Yoga and Somatics" Teacher Training Course. It offers an innovative and ground-breaking approach to the practice and teaching of Yoga, combined with Thomas Hanna inspired somatic movement education.
Yoga Retreat with Beryl Bender
Yoga Retreat with Beryl Bender
The Hard & the Soft. Yoga Retreat & Adventure
Pilates Retreat with Ruth Tongue
Pilates Retreat with Ruth Tongue
This is a 6 nights Pilates Retreat suitable for all levels.
Summer Yoga Retreat with Megan & Carliann
Summer Yoga Retreat with Megan & Carliann
This retreat will give you the rest your mind and body desires. Carlian & Megan will support and guide you through this 6 nights, 5 days retreat experience which will leave you feeling fully rested and restored.
Retiro de yoga con Simon Low
Retiro de yoga con Simon Low
Este retiro de vacaciones de yoga contará con 2 clases diarias, por la mañana y por la tarde, con profesores asistentes normalmente presentes en todas las clases, por lo que recibirás una amplia orientación y atención personal, con ajustes y modificaciones individuales, cuando proceda.
YogaVeda Living Retreat with David & Paula Herbert
YogaVeda Living Retreat with David & Paula Herbert
David and Paula love travelling, and they passionate about sharing the wonderful benefits of Yoga and Ayurveda with the students, so it make perfect sense to combine both of these pleasures.
Retiro de Yoga y Vacaciones con Luna Hernandez
Retiro de Yoga y Vacaciones con Luna Hernandez
Retiro de Yoga y vacaciones organizado por Luna Hernandez de Yoga Bindu. Durante el retiro disfrutaras de clases de yoga, tiempo para relajarte y varias excursiones para disfrutar del mar, la montaña y la ciudad
Fierce Grace Yoga Retreat with Michele Pernetta
Fierce Grace Yoga Retreat with Michele Pernetta
Annual Fierce Grace Yoga Retreat. Classes on this retreat will be taught by Fierce Grace founder Michele Pernetta and her senior assistant and are suitable for all levels
Iyengar Yoga Retreat with Simon Turner
Iyengar Yoga Retreat with Simon Turner
Join Simon Turner in this Summer Iyengar Yoga Retreat for lot of yoga, Sun and relax
Yoga Retreat for Backcare with Anji Gopal
Yoga Retreat for Backcare with Anji Gopal
More info coming soon
Nelumbo Yoga Retreat with Joelle Pettite
Nelumbo Yoga Retreat with Joelle Pettite
A blissful week of yoga and relaxation with Joelle Pettite
Retiro de Carrocería Polinesia Lomi Lomi con Ricardo Balkhoven
Retiro de Carrocería Polinesia Lomi Lomi con Ricardo Balkhoven
Únete a Ricardo en este retiro para un viaje transformador que fusiona la sabiduría ancestral con las prácticas curativas modernas en el Retiro Polinesio de Trabajo Corporal de Ricardo
Yoga Retreat with Katja Lilja
Yoga Retreat with Katja Lilja
Escape the November slush and darkness to the Spanish sun and enjoy the guided yoga classes in the mornings and evenings under the guidance of experienced, certified Iyengar yoga teacher Katja Lilja
Retiro de Meditación Vipassana con Enrique Moya
Retiro de Meditación Vipassana con Enrique Moya
En este retiro, Enrique nos acerca a las prácticas y actitudes mas importantes de meditación Vipassana
Nuestro calendario de eventos
Nuestro calendario enumera los eventos del próximo año. Haz clic en cualquier evento para conocer todos los detalles.